Hello, below you will find some more detailed information and pictures of our great Village Hall which we hope will inspire you to book for your next event.
We get a lot of regular and repeat bookings from hirers so we must be doing something right?
The Hall has the benefit of a large car park as you approach with disabled parking near the hall itself, by the corner of the Playground Area.

On the hall keys is a key to the post blocking the footpath / drive way round to the Village Hall main entrance on the field side of the hall, which can be unlocked if you cannot use the door to the front of the hall. Please ensure the post is back up and locked before you leave.
The playground area is available for hirers to use but it cannot be booked exclusively I am afraid.

When you get round to the main entry doors on the field side of the hall you will see a Key Safe marked VH, this contains your VILLAGE HALL KEYS, enter the code you have been given to open, then lock and jumble the code when you leave.
The Key Safe marked SR contains the keys for the SNOOKER ROOM, plus a main door key if you have booked this room, again please return keys to the key safe and lock / jumble code when you leave.
If arriving at the hall in the dark there are outside lights that come to safely show you the way round the hall.
When you leave you can press the switch by the Table / Chair Stall room to put on these lights for 25min, they will go off after this time and you have safely left the premises.
Please note that there is CCTV in operation outside and inside the hall to protect it from damage / miss use and also for your safety if an incident should arise.

The Main Hall is 7600mm wide and 13700mm long, excluding the passageway areas.
The ceiling is 2700mm high for main part of hall but there is a 3200mm wide section that has a height of 3300mm across the hall width of 7600mm for those considering inflatables at the hall, see our more detailed information for these at “inflatables”.
It can seat 80 people, or take up to 120 unseated, subject to Covid Guidelines currently.
It has a polished hardwood floor which is excellent for dancing and fitness classes, and has new roller blinds installed in June 2022 to bring its appearance up to date.
The main light switches are directly opposite you to your right by the curtain.
Other switches are by the chair / table store at the end of the hall on your right.

The heating switch is down the corridor to the toilets, on your left, opposite the Jubilee Room, press it once for 1 hour of heating, and again after that hour if you need more. The heating cannot be altered by hirers, it set at around 21 degree C.

The Kitchen is fully fitted with cooker, fridge, microwave, sinks etc plus an Urn and kettle for boiling water and crockery / cutlery for up to 80 people. Please ensure this area is left clean and tidy after your use and all rubbish, food remains are removed from the hall.

The Jubilee Room is a small meeting room, 4100mm x 4500mm available for hire on its own for Village residents / organisations, or with the main hall for other users. It can seat up to 20 people around a large table and the outer walls of the room. It has its own heating lamp on the r/h wall as you enter that is on a time switch like the main hall. It also had a new blind installed in June 2022.

The Snooker Room can be hired on its own and has its own lighting etc.
It has one full size table, plus cues / balls etc available for use, or you can of course use your own.
Please put the cover back after use and lock the Snooker Room door as you leave, plus the main hall doors if no-one else is using the hall.
If you are there on your own it is advisable to lock the main entry doors to the hall for added security.
There are fully fitted toilets for male and female users complete with cubicles and wash facilities plus hot air hand dryers.

There is also a Disabled Toilet / baby changing room just off the main hall area.
We hope you will enjoy your use of the hall and we would ask that you kindly leave it in a clean and tidy condition after you use, as you should have found it, for the enjoyment of following hirers.
If the hall was not in a clean and tidy condition please let us know so we can follow it up by contacting us on admin@hernhill-bookings.net